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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More quotes! :)

Just a little note first the stuff in italics are my comments, not part of the quote :)

1. The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth. ~Unknown
-->Think of challenges/difficulties as opportunities and chances! :) 

2. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. ~Unknown

3. The best revenge is massive success. ~Frank Sinatra
-->Whenever you hate someone to the extent where you feel like you cannot forgive the person(eg Elizabeth Choy and the Japanese soldiers) remember this quote, there is  really no point wasting time in getting angry/plotting revenge on that person, this is definitely the best payback  for both you and your enemy xD 

Positive outlook on life

Not really a story here just something that I learnt today: We should all have a positive outlook on life when faced with adversity. I know I know, sounds easy actually very hard. However, Elizabeth Choy, Prisoners of War during WWII had hard lives, much harder and torturous than anything we will hopefully ever have to go through. What did they do? Instead of giving up on themselves, they maintained a positive outlook of life! For example, the prisoners used sign language(they were not allowed to communicate) to encourage each other. After the war, Elizabeth Choy herself managed to forgive the Japanese soldiers and continued to help and serve others in her life. On the other hand, people who succumbed to depression, gave up on themselves etc mostly didn't survive the war. It's not just about the harsh conditions sometimes, it's more about your attitude towards the problems.

Hope this inspired you today!

<3 owner of this blog

P.S I wrote this myself okay! :D